FAQS about the List of Recommended Trauma Clinicians
Question: How do I know if I’m on the list? (Where do I find the list?)
Answer: If you are unsure if you are on the List of Recommended Trauma Clinicians
In the menu above you’ll see, List of Recommended Trauma Clinicians. Click on that link.
"Click on your state’s name" as directed.
Search for your city then your name (the list is currently sorted by City).
If you see your name and the entire listing is correct, then you don't need to do anything.
If you see your name but some of your contact information is incorrect, please send your corrected information to linda@trauma101.com and the listing will be updated.
Question: I’m not on the list, but want to be. What is the criteria for being listed?
Answer: You must be a licensed clinician with specialized trauma training, i.e., two or more trauma treatment modalities regardless of certification status.
Question: I meet that criteria. How do I get on the list?
Answer: Fill in and submit the Clinician Contact Form.
Question: I have a colleague who should be on this list. Should I submit his/her name?
Answer: Please send this link: Frequently Asked Questions Page to your colleague to submit contact info.
Thanks, Linda